From 9am until approximately 10:30am on Saturday morning we will be serving tea, coffee and bacon rolls (plus suitably prepared vegetarian alternatives) in The Chantry Hall, just a short walk from the church. An orientation map can be seen on the competition home page.
The draw for ringing will take place in church at 11am and the first team will enter the tower at 11:30am, with ringing continuing throughout the day until last team concludes at 4:30pm.
Throughout the day there will be a number of entertaining diversions to help you have a fun time.
From 11am drinks will be served in the Chantry Bar. Beers and ciders have been provided by The Wolf Brewery of Attleborough.
St Peter Mancroft Guild members have spent many hours in exhaustive quality testing to make sure we have the right choices for you.
For those seeking a quiet corner away from the hustle and bustle of the bar, we will be serving tea, coffee and light refreshments on the Octagon Cafe at the East end of the church.
The city centre is well served with food outlets, but there will be a “Feast on the Street” in the area immediately outside The Forum.
Feast on the Street is a local collective, numbering a wide variety of food outlets. Visitors to the final will receive a discount on any food purchases.
In order to provide a little ‘light entertainment’, we have borrowed The Vestey Ring from our neighbours in Suffolk and this will in the area of The Forum throughout the day.
In addition to all of the above there will be a number of craft stalls and exhibits to entice and inform you.